I'm a little behind but better late than never! Our big boy turned 4 on November 7th! It seems like just yesterday I was holding my 10 lb GIANT newborn amazed at his size and strength! I have to say it was quite freaky when he held his head up and looked around the hospital room after just a couple of days. I kid you not... the nurses were surprised too!
How did he go from this
to this
in such a short time???
We celebrated Josh's big day with a Cowboy party. My friend, Kami, made the fabulous cake (delicious and beautiful) and the kids played Pin the Tail on the Rodeo Horse (Thank you, talented Granny, for drawing a rearing rodeo horse for the occassion), Pass the Parcel (a British party game we played when I was a little girl), and Lasso the Horse (throwing a hoola hoop over the back of a dining room chair). And of course, we bounced the night away in a bounce house after consuming chili and corndogs and other cowboy chow! It's a wonder no one threw up!!!
Josh and Jackson, his school buddy
Samantha, friend from church
MJ, friend from church

Aunt Michelle sporting her authentic cowgirl outfit and Meme (Brad's sister and Mom)
Josh, we love you and are so proud of you. We love your contageous smile, your belly laugh and your zest for life. You bring us so much joy. Our prayer for you is that you would love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul and all your strength. We thank the Lord for you.