Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today did not turn out as I planned it.  Yesterday evening Josh fell asleep on the couch in the middle of all the action so I knew he was sick.  He woke up a little later with a fever but slept all night except for a brief time around 1am.  Kirsten came downstairs around 3am having thrown up.  She woke up around 7:15 this morning with a fever feeling and looking awful.  Today was my last day of Bible Study for the school year.  I was so looking forward to our discussion about the book of Esther, the book that contains my all-time favorite verse ("... And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:10) .... hence the name of my blog .

So I missed Bible study and made doctors' appointments for both kids first thing. They had all the signs of strep throat. I also read today's reading in Jesus Calling first thing because I knew I needed God's Word to make it through this day that I DID NOT PLAN!  Did I mention I love to plan things; I'm a control freak; my calendar is SUPERBLY ORGANIZED!

Today's reading is what I posted this morning.... about holding my plans loosely because the Lord's ways aren't my ways. Trust him to guide me through my day.  Allow him to accomplish his purposes in his timing. Subordinate my plan to him. He's sovereign over all parts of my life.  Don't follow my usual routine or I will miss what he has prepared for me.  Culminating with Isaiah 55:8-9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." 

I am always amazed (although I should no longer be) that the Lord's Word is timely and living and active just as he says.  It applies to me every day of my life.

So... I loaded up the car with sick little people and headed to Kirsten's pediatrician first (yes, my kids have different pediatricians.  Today I was rethinking that decision. Kirsten's is perfect for her though - takes her time and makes sure all specialists are on the same page and that we have a good plan of action. Love her. Dr. Sickler at Willowbend Pediatrics if you want to know.)

She tested negative for strep much to my medically uneducated surprise!  Dr. S did hear crackling in her right lung which she suspected was pneumonia (DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!).  She assured me that it's easily treated with breathing treatments, a shot and oral medication to which the infection responds well.  Still scary.  I was mentally preparing for a weekend in the hospital... where my other 2 would go and what I needed to reschedule/rearrange. 

We headed to the imaging center where x-rays revealed no pneumonia.  Praise the Lord!  She has a cold and bronchitis so she will do breathing treatments every 4 hours for a few days. I'm praying she doesn't need them through the night.  Fortunately she has a pulmonology appointment tomorrow anyway.  Clearly the Lord's coordination.  I do wonder if this is a result of her new heart medicine.  We shall find out tomorrow.

After the x-ray, I called Josh's pediatrician and begged to go in right then. Low and behold they said YES!  We headed back to Frisco and he tested negative for strep too. He has allergies and a bad cold.  Poor kid.  He looks miserable.

the scene in our living room most of the day (towels over the couch in case anyone threw up, saltines, Gatorade, and LOTS and LOTS of wii playing!!). Kirsten is doing a breathing treatment.

Kirsten sleeps tonight next to my bed.  I want to make sure her breathing and coughing are okay during the night.  Here she is at bedtime doing a breathing treatment.  How I love this girl!

Now tomorrow isn't going to go as planned either.  I was going to enjoy my 3rd last day of preschool alone going running, getting a pedicure and maybe a few errands but the Lord has other plans for my day. Kirsten and Josh will both be home from school which puts a damper on my plans. Only tomorrow will tell what the Lord has planned instead! I'm praying my attitude is positive and honors the Lord!