Monday, June 20, 2011

Last week

We are loving being out of school for the summer. The kids took about a week to work out their territory but everyone seems to have adjusted to being together A LOT more than during the school year.

Here are a few photos to show you what we've been doing other than swimming because what else are you supposed to do when it's 103 degrees outside??!!

We threw a baby shower for our sweet friends Vonda and Glenn Krupa who are expecting Molly Claire's arrival in July.  This is baby #4 for the Krupas and we can't wait to meet this sweet bundle! Above are the hostesses:
Me, Chris, Anissa, Vonda, Dasha and Leslie.

My friend, Kami Ricks, who owns Kakes by Kami, made this FABULOUS cake with Molly Claire's initials on the top.  It was delish with a strawberry glaze filling.

Brad's sister and fam came over to watch the Mavs' play their championship game on Sunday night!  It was L-O-U-D!!! Brad and Jay are HUGE Mavs' fans.

Katelyn and cousin Jordan eating ice cream outside.

This wasn't a big event but I love this picture of my girl and her dog wearing butterfly wings.

On Wednesday afternoon we went swimming at the Amezcua's pool.  The Peters and Reeves were there as well so there were A LOT of kids in the pool.  We moms had a great time visiting and Julianne fed us pizza for dinner.
Josh jumping in the pool. It looks like he's about to land on the rock because he almost did!!

Kirsten and Avery Peters

Sydney Reeves jumping in

Katelyn, Maddie Amezcua and Kirsten

On Thursday morning the five of us headed downtown Dallas for the Mavs' Parade.  It was CROWDED and H-O-T!!!  We were not close enough to see anything so mostly we starred at the backs of hundreds of strangers bigger than the kids and me.  We tried to take a few photos but were too far back so this is what we saw:

Somewhere in the distance are the players and the championship trophy riding in vehicles... supposedly.  I only know that because I saw pictures in Friday's newspaper.

The kids were bored so they played tick tack toe, bubble gum bubble gum in a dish and rock paper scissors.  Did I mention it was HOT???

If you can click on this photo, please do.  Josh's face says it all.  He's hot and tired and ready to go home.

After the parade Brad and 17,000 others headed to the American Airlines Center for the big celebration.

And Kirsten and I headed to the doctor because apparently she had pink eye and I didn't even know.

I need to give a shout out to my friend, Dasha, who is a HUGE fan of the CORRECTLY used apostrophe. Unfortunately in the American culture the apostrophe is used incorrectly quite often.  Dasha, please note my correct usage several times throughout this post!  And if I'm wrong, feel free to let me know. Not that you need permission;  I know you'd do it anyway! And I love you for it!!!