Thursday, August 18, 2011

Charlotte, NC

Our family vacation this year was to visit the Bonos in Charlotte, NC.  We met them when we were all living in NJ... the guys both work for the same firm and spent 2 years working up there before returning to their previous locations. They have 3 boys close in age to our kids: Dylan is 8, Ryan, 6 and Tyler, 4.

I have a TON of pictures so I'll probably break the trip down into several posts.  Get ready for some fun photos!!! 

The kids were so excited to fly

Sarah carved a sea monster out of a watermelon. The kids thought it was grand!

After grilling out the first night, the kids made ice cream by tossing the ingredients in a baggie back and forth to each other. 
Kirsten and Ryan
Tyler and Josh
Katelyn and Dylan

I'll post more pictures soon.  It was such a fun week including swimming at their neighborhood pool, a water day at their home including water balloon fights and a slip n slide.  Sarah also continued her watermelon themed week with watermelon nail polish designs for the girls and watermelon flip flops that she made.  She's so much fun!