We are so excited that yesterday was the girls' last day of school for the year. They resume on Jan 4th. Both had exciting class "winter" parties including cookie decorating, crafts, and a story time. Kirsten's class did a book exchange; we always enjoy a new book to read.
Last night Brad and I went to the Mav's game with friends. Very disappointing game... Dampier and our coach got kicked out of the game in OT. No Bueno!!
Today Brad and friends are tailgating and attending the NC- UT game at Cowboys Stadium. Very exciting!!! Cowboys Stadium is the mecca of the football world!!
Tonight we are having our family Christmas with just the 5 of us. We will eat our Christmas dinner (each family member chose one menu item so our random meal consists of glazed carrots, rolls, steak, spaghetti and fruit salad. I had to overrule Josh's suggestion of peanut butter. I couldn't see serving everyone a spoonful of peanut butter alongside their steak.). We will continue our ornament tradition at dinner and then open some of our gifts. We are traveling for Christmas so we will save some presents to take with us.
This morning I'm counting the kids' gifts to make sure all is fair with the world. :)
Tomorrow at church we're teaching the Kindergarten class. Please pray for the hearts of these little ones to be softened toward our Lord that they may come to know him personally as their Lord and Savior even tomorrow morning.
I hope your weekend is relaxing and meaningful.
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...