We spent Christmas in Houston with Kerith's parents and brother and his family. We hadn't spent Christmas all together in a few years so it was wonderful to unite over the holiday. The cousins had a blast together ... lots of giggles and fun had by all. Very few tears which is amazing considering their ages: 6 months, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 years.
Here are the children at my brother's house on Christmas Eve:
Granny and Grandpa LOVED having us all under one roof for the day. We had our annual ornament exchange at dinner. Each year my parents give us each an ornament that signifies something special that happened to us that year. Our 3 kids each received a dolphin since we saw them in the ocean while in Florida last summer. Brad got a glass Italian flag and I received a Leaning Tower of Pisa to remember our fabulous trip to Italy last July.
Here are a few pics from Christmas Day:
The kids literally ran to their stockings. We opened the baracade of chairs after the adults were ready and the coffee was brewing ... after all first things first!
Brad and Kerith on Christmas morning - still trying to wake up
Exhausted by the gift opening procedure, Brad took a nap on the couch in the midst of the hubbub. It has always amazed me that he can sleep anywhere anytime. I can't sleep anywhere but in a bed in a dark room with covers. It's very inconvenient! (Especially on a 8 hour plane trip while dosed with Tylenol PM. Made no difference... I was awake the whole time!) Josh covered Brad with a blanket and protected him from the rain with his new umbrella.
Josh and Grandpa read after opening gifts
Beautiful Katelyn at Christmas dinner
Grandpa and Granny still very much in love. They love their Lord and set an amazing example for us to follow.
Kirsten (9) and cousin Chloe (6 months). She was very responsible helping Mommy with Chloe while everyone else was outside playing.
Me with my sister-in-law and Chloe. My brother's wife is a godly woman who takes it all in stride. Yes, she has 4 children 5 and under and she does an amazing job. She is a joy to be around and lots of fun too.
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did too. School began again today so back to reality! Have a good night.