Thursday, January 7, 2010

School is Cancelled

Today the girls' school was cancelled due to the temperature... yes, closed because it was COLD. No ice or snow. The Northern states are laughing at us!! Granted the windchill was 10 degrees but the kids aren't going outside anyway. 

I had mixed feelings as I got back into bed at 6:15 after learning that school was cancelled. Oh, the bliss of sleeping in but oh, the dread of not accomplishing what I had planned. That is difficult for this task-oriented lady to muster courage to face.

Josh did have school since he's in a different district albeit only 13 minutes away.  So at least I'd have only 2 children with me.

The girls went up to the church to help me make copies for Mom2Mom tomorrow.  I accomplished very little on a day that I counted on being alone.  And I admit, I didn't handle myself well parts of the day. I was snippy with the kids and just generally irritated that things didn't go according to MY plan.

My merciful Jesus has gently tapped me on the shoulder a few times today reminding me that it's not about me and what I want to accomplish.  It's about what he wants to accomplish which is clearly that I spend time with my girls instead of alone today.  I do wish I could have a do over so I could spend less time sulking and snapping and more time enjoying "girl time."

But my God is a God of second chances so I know I'll have another chance. I have a few hours left in this day to enjoy with my children and, who knows, tomorrow school may be cancelled again because it's expected to be even colder. Whether it is or not, I know without a doubt who is in control of the weather and the school district's decision.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for second chances.