Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank you for praying for us

Brad's parents in FL on our annual Leffler family beach trip
August 2009

Thank you for praying for us.

Skip's memorial service on Friday was incredible.​ There were hundre​ds present and the Lord was glorified. This man left an amazing legacy for his family and many others. He literally t​ouched thousands of lives in a positive way by serving for many years with Family Life and Bible Study Fellowship.​ My father-in-l​aw loved his H​eavenly Father and his lifestyle proved it. Many are his rewards in heaven.

The 5 of us are home. Becky's brother and wife are with her for a few days. While it feels good to be home and try to achieve a sense of normalcy, our "normal" will never be the same. Our hearts are heavy. Everywhere we turn we are reminded of Bop. I feel like I'm carrying a heavy load that can't be put down. My heart aches for my dear husband who is heartbroken.​ His burden for his mother is great. Please continue to pray for us as we walk through this nighmare. I don't even know what to pray...

Than​k you for encouraging us. Your cards, emails, facebook posts, texts, phone calls and visits mean the world to us.