Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Twelve Disciples

Yesterday I ran across the words to a song Katelyn learned in preschool.  It's a great way to remember the names of the 12 disciples, names I'm embarrassed to say I can't list.  I will be putting this on our fridge and if you're around the Leffler home in the next few days, you will be lucky enough to hear us all singing it as we go about our business. 

It's sang to the tune of "Jesus Loves Me"

Jesus called them one by one.
Peter, Andrew, James and John.
Then came Philip, Thomas too.
Matthew and Bartholomew.
James the one they called the less,
Simon, also Thaddeus.
The twelfth disciple Judas made,
Jesus was by him betrayed.

Yes, Jesus called them.
Yes, Jesus called them.
Yes, Jesus called them.
In prayer he'll call you too.