Unlike our Thanksgiving break, Christmas break was busy. It was our first Christmas since Brad's Dad passed away so we wanted to do something different.
The 5 of us celebrated Christmas on the 24th as usual and Brad's Mom (Meme) joined us for part of the day. On Christmas morning we woke up
From South Padre Brad, the kids and I flew to Houston in hopes of attending the Texan Bowl in which Baylor was playing.... their first bowl in 16 years, mind you!!! We had a lovely arrangement with my beyond kind parents who were to meet us at the aiport in 2 cars; Brad and I would drive directly to the game and they would take the kids to their house, feed them dinner and put them to bed. They even offered to get our luggage off the belt so we could make the game on time! Now that is true sacrifice considering that we only own 1 LARGE suitcase because we had forgotten that we threw away our old one. The remainder of our luggage consisted of 3 smaller suitcases, a carseat bag and golf clubs! That's right, people, we travelling with that much luggage!!! We couldn't do that to my parents though. We so appreciated their offer but that would just be cruel!
Well, Proverbs 16:9 comes to mind: "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." For whatever reason, the Lord had other arrangements for us. We arrived at the airport in Brownsville without any trouble, flew to DFW, ate lunch at the airport with time to spare and boarded our plane to Houston.
Thats was the afternoon that it rained and rained and rained and rained and rained in Houston. Both airports were closed. We sat on the runway at DFW for 2 1/2 hours! We prayed like crazy that our children would be patient and thanks to lots of snacks and the Lord's grace, they behaved better than their parents! Eventually the rain eased up and we landed in Houston. Brad and I RUSHED to the game and watched Baylor loose in the 4th quarter. It was a sad state of affairs!
The rest of the week was spent relaxing at with parents, treating Josh for 5th Disease and praying that no one else got it. We were SO sad not to be able to see my brother and his family but we didn't want to spread our germs to their 4 little ones. I got it once we got home (I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy - incredibly painful in adults but without the rash. I would have taken the "slapped cheeks" any day!).
Here are pictures of the craziness!
Meme (Brad's Mom) and the kids on Christmas Eve
Katelyn, Jordan, Josh and Kirsten
Kirsten LOVES the beach - beneath her winter coat she wears her swimsuit and shorts! Not even the cold and wind can stop this girl from romping in the waves and sand!
beautiful Katelyn
Josh building sand castles
Jordan, Josh and Caleb at breakfast
Climbing trees at the park

Brownsville Children's Museum is really neat! Lots of hands on play areas including a weather station in which you can pretend to be a meterologist on TV, a store with a cash register, a house with a vegetable garden, hospital with patients, crutches, x-rays, and a building area where you can don your safetly goggles and helmet and build stuff!
Josh and Caleb built a cool table... actually Caleb built it and Josh assisted.
Caleb working intently on his table
Kirsten swimming in the heated pool
Josh opening presents at Grandpa and Granny's house in Houston
Daddy and Kirsten in Houston
Granny and Katelyn

Granny and Kirsten
The Aquarium in Houston - it's a restaurant downtown lined with fish tanks. It provided a lovely dinner for my parents, Brad and I while the kids ran up and down watching the fish. It is an incredible place... and the food is fantastic.
Josh at The Aquarium
Grandpa and Granny on a train ride after dinner. The train took us under an aquarium tunnel filled with sharks and over ponds. The best part was when Jaws suddenly appears out of the water right next to the train. The kids were freaking out! It was great!
on the train
a happy Katelyn waiting in line for the train
on the train
There is also a ferris wheel next to the restaurant.
on the ferris wheel