Sunday, October 30, 2011

Save the Date for 43 Acts of Kindness

My friend Tyra lost her husband, Steve, to brain cancer just over two years ago. Next Friday, November 4th, would have been his 43rd birthday and in his honor, Tyra and her two amazing kids, Cooper & Katie, have come up with a wonderful tribute to him.

They are hoping that 43 people will perform random acts of kindness throughout the day on November 4th. You can read more about it in Tyra's own words on her blog right here.

I have no doubt that 43 people will perform random acts of kindness in his honor on that day, but how cool would it be to have 2x43 or 3x43 perform random acts of kindness that day? Tyra is truly an amazing mom, friend, worker, volunteer, writer. . .the list could go on and on. . .and her kids are equally as great and I would love to help them go above and beyond their goal for that day.

Let's bless Tyra, Cooper and Katie by making this day very special for them. 

Tyra has created a card that you can find here to attach to your gift or leave behind. 

And don't forget to take a picture or send Tyra a quick note at if you are able to participate so she can be uplifted and know how many people care on this hard day for their family.