Monday, November 28, 2011

A Miracle!

We are thrilled!!!!! Kirsten is no longer having ear reconstructive surgery tomorrow!

K started coughing last night so I knew there was a chance Dr. Peters would not perform surgery tomorrow. He confirmed this when he heard her coughing at the preop appt today. He said to reschedule for when she's healthy. It was all I could do to hold it together.

I asked him a few questions about the surgery and then he sent her for a hearing test. He was surprised to learn that her hearing has improved significantly. At the end of July she had 30% hearing loss and today it was 5-10%. He said even if she was healthy, he wouldn't perform the surgery tomorrow. He couldn't believe it and neither could I !!!!!

She returns in 2 weeks for another hearing test and he will let us know what he wants to do about the tubes embedded in her ear drums. In the meantime we will be revelling in God's healing hand on our girl!

A HUGE thank you to all of you who offered to bring meals, keep Katelyn and Josh while Brad and I stayed in the hospital with Kirsten, and visit us in the hospital. Thank you too for your texts, emails, calls and encouraging words. The Lord used you to bless the 5 of us and we are so thankful.

Another HUGE thank you to the Baileys who invited Josh to stay tonight anyway and to the Browns who did the same for Katelyn. Both of them were so excited for their sleepovers on a school night. Thank you for taking care of them tonight.

Thank you most of all for your faithful prayers. We have prayed for God's healing on Kirsten's ears for years. Incredible!!!!

Praise the Lord with us!!!!!!