Thursday, December 22, 2011

Joy to the World

I know I repost from Doorposts of Your Home often but I love Pam's godly advice and perspective.

Here is her latest post:

I love Christmas! Normal life pretty much goes on hold in the Forster household during Christmas season, as soon as the Christmas CD’s come out.

One of the things I love most is the music. I love playing the piano and reveling in the full force of our dear church family raising their voices in praise during our worship service.

I love the lazy strains of Kenny G in the background while I wrap gifts, the radio station in our area that’s been playing only Christmas music ever since Thanksgiving, the little voices belting out “To US a Child of hope is born” in the church Christmas program, the concerts filled with acknowledgments of Christ as King.

I even love the background “song” of the Salvation Army bells that start ringing, heralding the coming birthday celebration of of our Lord and King.

One of the places I have enjoyed the music the most this year as been in the stores, of all places. After what seemed like a couple years of secular songs dominating the piped-in music of the marketplace, I’ve noticed the real carols reappearing this year. I guess the commercial world got tired of continuous “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town,” too!

It makes me want to start singing at the top of my lungs (which I’m sure would mortify my daughters, and I would actually be far too shy to actually do) when I hear the truths of the gospel weaving their way through the bustling, decorated malls. “Joy to the world, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ!”

“No more let sins and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground.
He comes to make His blessings flow
far as the curse is found.”

“He rules the world with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
the glories of His righteousness
and wonders of His love.”

This is our territory. Christ reigns. He rules the world. He has already won the battle. His blessings flow to every corner that the curse of sin has reached.

I promise, after New Year’s we will go back to normal life here on this blog. We’ll post our projects on Thursdays like we’re supposed to. (And I’ll write the posts before I’m falling asleep over the keyboard.) We have kingdom work to do!

But until then, I’m busy celebrating! My King was born as a man, He died for me, He conquered sin and death in His resurrection, and He sits at His Father’s right hand, reigning over the world.

Good Christian Men, Rejoice!