Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fractured Elbow!

Get ready for some solid parenting!!!

Back in the middle of November, our elementary school hosted a fun Buckaroo Bash.  All went well... face painting, milk a pretend cow, and ride a mechanical bull.  Sounds harmless enough, doesn't it?

Katelyn and her cowgirl friends waiting to have their faces painted

Katelyn rode the mechanical bull and had a wonderful time.  Josh and Kirsten came later and waited in line for over an hour to ride the bull. Kirsten went first and fell off within a few seconds.  She started crying and said her elbow hurt.  Daddy stepped in and carried her to a table in the back of the room to soothe her with a cookie. She continued to complain that it hurt but there was no swelling or bruising or other indication of injury so we thought she was just being dramatic.  Needless to say, Josh wanted no part of the bull after that. He was very upset that he "waited in line for so long for NUFFING!"

Over the next few days she continued to tell us that it hurt but we paid little attention to her complaints since there was no indication of injury.  We even went down to Waco for Baylor Homecoming.  Kirsten wanted to wear her sling from a previous elbow fracture so we appeased her. Brad and I were getting a little annoyed at all the drama from this apparently sore elbow.

Here she is at the game with her sling on.

Then two weeks after the Buckaroo Bash, Kirsten came to me and said she couldn't touch her shoulder with her left arm - I looked and, indeed, she couldn't.  The next day I took her for an x-ray and, LO AND BEHOLD, her elbow was indeed fractured!!!  And the Parents of the Year Award goes to ....

A couple of days later we headed to Children's Medical Center for her cast. 

 Fortunately her elbow was healing well so she only had to wear her cast for 2 weeks.  Brad and I felt HORRIBLE!!!  I'm sure we will pay better attention to our children's complaints of pain from here on out!