Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy 9th Birthday, Katelyn!

Today Katelyn turned 9 years old!  Where have the years gone?  Our shy, quiet baby has turned into a beautiful, kind, compassionate young lady who loves the Lord and will go the extra mile to help someone in need. We are so proud of who she has become and look forward to what the Lord has planned for her life.
She had a sleepover party last week.

with cousin, Jordan

The next morning, Kirsten, Katelyn and I got pedicures.

Today she brought donuts to share with her class.
 singing "Happy Birthday"

with good friends Sophie and Ally in class

Tonight she chose dinner: a tea party with Italian sausage, Caesar salad, fruit salad and brownies that she wanted to bake herself.

Happy Birthday, beautiful girl! 
We love you so much!