Monday, May 9, 2011


I'm a little late in posting but wanted to share our Easter pictures. On Saturday we ventured to an Easter brunch complete with face painting, cookie decorating and an Easter bunny.

decorating cookies

No one really wanted to have their photo taken with the Easter bunny, least of all Josh, but don't you think you should if one is present??!!

train ride

face painting: a shark

Easter basket

a cross

And now for the all-telling photo of the day! None of us were in the best of moods that day.  I don't know why... tired, illness (we'll come to that in a moment).  I was perhaps the most grumpy of all but before we left I really wanted a photo of me and the kids. I take most of our photos so there are few of me and the kids.  The kids were NOT happy but we all put on our fakest smiles (can you see the steam rising from my ears?) but it was too sunny to open our eyes all the way or even at all in some cases as you can see.  After this photo I proceded to tell the kids how I never have my photo taken with them and I don't ask for much, can't they just take 1 photo with me?!  I know. Not my proudest moment. And as we walked in the door when we got home, Josh threw up. 

Easter Sunday was a whole new day! I love that about waking up - you get another chance to be happy and love your family and apologize for being ridiculous the day before.

Easter morning before the egg hunt.  We were taking care of Flat Stanley for cousin Jordan who was doing a project for school.  Flat Stanley listened to the story from the Resurrection Eggs and then hunted with the kids.

Because Josh had a short lived stomach bug, he couldn't go to church on Sunday morning.  He and I stayed home and met Brad's Mom and sister and family for lunch. We took this before church. I love that boy!  He's just such a cutie.

I should have waited until Sunday to take a nice family photo instead of grumping and griping the day before. This is one of my favorite pictures of us. We were one of the last to leave the restaurant so one of the waiters gave the kids these flowers from the lobby.

After lunch we headed to Meme's house for our annual Easter egg hunt.  Confetti eggs included so look out!  

Josh is either giving Brad a high five or smashing a confetti egg on him

Hunting for eggs. I love how Katelyn is leaping!

Kirsten hunting

Jordan and Katelyn
