Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I had a lovely Mother's Day. I was spoiled and cared for; it was a relaxing day.  Katelyn, Josh and Kirsten made me breakfast in bed: Sleepy Time herbal tea, cookies and cereal.  After church we met Brad's Mom and sister and her family for lunch.  We had a great time together and enjoyed a yummy meal.  That afternoon Brad wouldn't let me do anything Mommy related so I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reading a fiction book. It was grand and I am so grateful for my wonderful husband who knows how to make me feel special.
before church

Meme and Michelle (Brad's Mom and sister)

cousin Jordan and Katelyn are 6 weeks apart

cousin Caleb and Kirsten

Jordan, Josh and Katelyn

yummy chocolate cake and ice cream

Josh eating ice cream

Me and Brad

Meme and Kirsten

Michelle and Jay