Thursday, June 9, 2011

End of Year Class Parties

The girls' end of year class parties were fun.  HOT but fun. 

Kirsten's 3rd grade party was filled with dancing, hoola hooping, and temporary tatoos.  The best part was the arrival of the ice cream truck. Everyone got to choose a soft serve ice cream or slushy drink. It was great. Did I mention it was hot???

dancing the Cupid Shuffle

and the Macarena. At this point many had wandered off or sat down due to the heat.  I'm telling you, it was H-O-T!!!  But this girl will dance til the cows come home!  She loves to dance.

Josh hoola hooping

Kirsten hoola hooping

Maddie and Kirsten

ice cream truck!!!!

Kirsten hoola hooping

Katelyn's 2nd grade party had a camping theme so everyone wore cute white hats with a Camp Bledsoe button on them. They had a sing along, beaded necklaces, hoola hooped, made pinwheels and paper airplanes, ate smores and signed each other's grade level t-shirts.

sing along

stringing beads to make a necklace

making a pinwheel with Josh


Katelyn and Ellie