Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day

Back in March, Katelyn spent her Spring Break with Grandpa and Granny (my parents) in Houston ALL BY HERSELF!  She loved the attention and was spoiled rotten as you can imagine.  My parents love having the one on one time with their grandchildren so they can cater to their interests and personalities.  She had a wonderful time shopping and swimming and hanging out with cousins (my brother's kids).

Here she is with Grandpa in her new white outfit.  She watched "My Fair Lady" at my parents and wanted to look like Eliza Doolittle at the ball.  Katelyn is beautiful on the inside and outside.

Memorial Day weekend was Kirsten's turn alone with her grandparents.  After her field day on Thursday, we drove to Buffalo (the usual meeting spot halfway between my parents' house and ours).  Kirsten barely hugged me goodbye as she jumped into my parents' car.  She was MORE than excited to be spending time away from her family!!!  She had a grand time hanging out with cousins, swimming and swimming some more. I believe she had a sleepover with Campbell, my brother's oldest daughter who just finished Kindergarten.  Fun fun fun.

Eating watermelon with the cousins

While she was gone, the 4 of us had a grand time relaxing.  Brad and Josh went to the Byron Nelson while I went to Katelyn's field day on Friday. We grilled out and turned on the sprinkler for some backyard fun.  Brad and I had a date night on Saturday night, and on Sunday our church had a cookout with bounce houses and a dunking tank.  Even Brad was dunked - by Josh!  It was so much fun.