Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Horse Riding

This summer each of our children are participating in a different camp.  Katelyn chose horse riding.  Yesterday we headed to Prospering Farms where she learned to tack a horse and had her riding evaluation.

Prospering Farms is a real farm: goats, horses, barns, pastures, corrals, etc. Despite living my formative years in South Africa and having a dad who took us camping, I've surcome to a more comfortable life in the city. Thus the last few years I've have little "country" experience.  It was amazing to see all that went on!!!

There were 2 barns like this. See the horses' heads out the windows?

Katelyn was lead to a barn which housed the place (you like my farm terminology??) where you tack your horse. That's right, I learned what tack means.  Didn't know until yesterday. Her horse is named Simka.

She learned to put on the saddle and bridle and then put polar fleece around the horse's ankles.

And here is my city girl.  Notice her cute jeans, white t-shirt and lovely purple cotton sweater.  This is as close to horse riding clothing as we own.

Evidence that I was there. It was about 150 degrees outside!!

Leading her horse to the riding area (again, don't know the real terminology).

Riding!!  She was in heaven. She learned to walk, trot, communicate with the horse and dismount.  She can't wait to start camp in a couple of weeks.

Here is a small part of her 30 minute evaluation.