Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have not done a good job lately of updating about our summer.  I'm behind on uploading my photos too so I'll try catch up in the next few days before school starts. It's hard to believe they go back in less than 2 weeks. 

Brad plays softball on a church league and if the games are early in the evening, we go watch him.  Sometimes the sprinklers come on in the field behind the baseball park and the kids love running through them. This particular night friends joined us so the kids had even more fun.

soaking wet Katelyn, Avery Peters, Will Amezcua, and Campbell Peters


My happy messy faced children making "smores."  They dipped marshmallows in melted chocolate and graham cracker crumbs.

yes, Josh is wearing winter pjs when it's 100 degrees outside. Choose your battles, right?

new haircuts