Sunday, December 6, 2009

Verse Plaques

On Thanksgiving Eve we had dinner at the home of Brad's cousin, James, and his wife Suzanne. Their home is beautiful.  In every room you see Bible verses on plates, wooden plaques, and on and in frames.  This family loves the Lord and it's obvious in how they conduct their lives and in what you see in their home.

James' sister, Sharon, is the creator of much of Suzanne's decor.  Sharon, whose creations you can see here, sells her products online and in stores in the Ft Worth area.

I am inspired to put more verses around my home. I have a few here and there but none in the kids' rooms and bathrooms which is where Suzanne had some of hers.  This will soon change.

When each of our children were born, I prayed that the Lord would show me a verse that we could make that child's life verse. The Lord graciously showed me the perfect verses for each child. I printed those verses on their birth certificates and a friend custom made place mats each printed with their verse.  Another friend gave Kirsten a Christmas ornament with her verse on it. 

Kirsten's verse was easy.  Because of her genetic disorder and the delays and challenges she would face, the Lord gave us Psalm 139:14  "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  Our prayer is that Kirsten will know that the Lord created her as he fully intended her to; he did not make a mistake.  We pray that she will see herself through the Lord's eyes and allow him to glorify himself through her daily challenges.

After Kirsten was born, we prayed that the Lord would give us another baby ... a healthy baby.  I had a miscarriage a few months later so we continued to pray. Healthy Katelyn Grace was born a few months later and the Lord gave us 1 Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." The Lord fulfilled my dream of having a healthy, chubby baby.

Joshua Scott was born almost 4 years later.  I love the name Joshua and what it represents.  Joshua and the wall of Jericho that came crashing down by the might of God alone!  Joshua who led the people into the Promised Land!    Josh's verse is taken from Deuteronomy 31:23 'The LORD gave this command to Joshua... "Be strong and courageous, ... and I myself will be with you."'

I'm going to get a plaque for each child's room with their verse on it. I'll have them painted to match of course. Here is a sample:

I pray that Kirsten, Katelyn and Josh will claim their verses for themselves knowing how precious they are to the Lord Jesus. And I challenge you to find a verse for each of your children.  Pray that verse for your child.  Pray that your child will grow to love the Lord his God with all his heart and all his soul and all his mind and all his strength.